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Psalms 2024 – Psalm 23

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Psalm 23

This is the final week in our summer series exploring the Psalms. We’ve only covered 10 of the 150 beautiful chapters of worship, praise, lament, wisdom, love, and so much more.

This week we will be exploring what it means to be a disciple of God. We will look to David—a man after God’s own heart—as an image of what we should strive for as a disciple. Through the beloved words of Psalm 23, we’ll discover how David’s life as a shepherd and king reflects our own need for God’s guidance, provision, and grace.

We’ll delve into the powerful themes of acknowledging God as our shepherd, finding rest and renewal in Him, walking in righteousness, trusting in His provision during adversity, and keeping an eternal perspective. Whether you’re new to faith or have walked with God for years, this message will remind us all of the beauty and depth of discipleship as seen through the eyes of David.

I am praying this Psalm brings peace and joy to whatever season of life you find yourself in.

See you Sunday!


Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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