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Psalms 2024 – Psalm 16

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Psalm 16

Throughout our summer series, we have had guest speakers present on Psalms. This week we get to hear God’s word from John Lidstrom. John Lidstrom has been attending our church for the last few years and has served as a small group leader in our Middle School Ministry. He was a missionary in East Asia for six years with Campus Crusade for Christ, where he and his wife met. He and his wife Cecily, along with their three daughters are very involved in serving and participating in our church and we are excited to hear from him as he teaches us from the Psalm 16.

King David was a man of great courage, passion, and faith. Last week we dwelt on his words, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” But I am left wanting to ask David, “How do I get to your level of faith and courage? What do I do when life is hard and temptations mount?” Psalm 16 is his answer.

This Sunday we will hear from David as he leads us to pray for perseverance, take refuge in the Lord, and see the promise of God as strength. He will lead us to have faith that our God is able to get us safely home with Him.

Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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