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Psalms 2024 – Psalm 110

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Psalms 2024 – Psalm 110

In the Old Testament, David’s kingship is divided into two parts. Most of David’s accounts (18 chapters) are about when he was anointed king and found himself on the run, hiding in caves and being a king in exile. It was a time when the only followers he had were a few hundred who were,
“in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented, gathered to him and he became captain over them” (1 Sam. 22:2).

This band of distressed, in debt, and discontented freely followed David while he was being hunted and in exile. Their lives had value because of their hope in him and a future time when he would reign over all the land.

The second part of David’s kingship was when he was finally recognized as king over all of Israel, reigning in majesty from Jerusalem during a time of peace. Those who had followed him during the hard times were rewarded by being given the highest positions in the land.

Psalm 110 foretells the anointing of another King, a Son of David, who ascends to His throne in heaven. As members of the Church, we follow this King. Regardless of His throne’s location, we are His people, ready to serve in the day of His power (Psalm 110:3). His kingdom is here, and we are part of it, having been saved from sin, distress, debt, and discontent. We serve with a future hope of His Second Coming. He will come again and at that time His kingdom will be fully inaugurated as He is recognized as King of kings. Is this the King you serve?

Do you know this King? Please join us this Sunday as we continue our study of the Psalms.


Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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