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Moses – Exodus 11–12

Sunday, March 17: Moses

Exodus 11–12

As God continues to make himself known to Pharaoh, Moses, and everybody in Egypt really, the ever-more dangerous plagues finally reach their crescendo in chapters 11 and 12. In the tenth plague we see the final consequences of a life lived in opposition to God, death.

While the death of the firstborn is a severe, frightening, and maybe even confusing event for us, the Passover that occurs simultaneously gives us some insight into the heart of God.

We see the final result of a life lived in rejection of God on the one hand, and the patient, relentless love of the Father in the same night. Through the provision that God makes for his people we also see a foretaste of a mercy beyond anything we could merit, or maybe even comprehend.

Sin, when fully grown, leads to death, but the blood of the lamb is our final security against that reality.

Join us as we see God at work in the final plague, and during the Passover.

See you Sunday!

One Comment

  1. Thank you Jeremiah from the Tucson International Airport. I am flying home from spending the weekend with my 88 year old mom. My husband Rusty texted me “ Jeremiah taught this morning and it was excellent….worth listening to. “ I always get to the airport early and so I was able to listen to you and thank you for boldly and truthfully sharing God’s Word .

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