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Life Together: Matthew 16:21–26

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Life Together: United Mission, Matthew 16:21–26

Life is better when we do life together. And the life we have been talking about is Life in Christ! Abundant life, flourishing life, everlasting life. When we put our faith in Jesus, we join a family. We are now part of a new community full of individuals striving to live a life on mission with Jesus. But what does this look like?

In Matthew 16, Jesus makes a clear challenge. If anyone wants to follow Him, they must deny themselves, pick up their cross daily, and follow Jesus. This is a simple task…but it’s not easy. What does this look like for us today? What does this look like for Believers Fellowship? How can we be about what God is about, and be on mission with Him?

We believe the Word of God can help with these questions, and we are excited to finish out this series and do life together.


Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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