Sunday, February 26: Jacob Genesis 33:1–20 Jacob is on his way home. Twenty years before, he defrauded his brother and was forced to run for his life to escape his wrath. Esau, in fact, had promised to kill him. Esau is a big, strong, hairy guy with bow hunting skills. To make matters worse, Jacob has […]
Sunday, February 19: Jacob Genesis 32:1–32 If there was ever a man who found himself between the proverbial “devil and the deep blue sea,” it’s Jacob between the day he leaves behind his father-in-law, Laban, and the day he meets up with his brother, Esau.At the end of Genesis 31 Laban is behind him and […]
Sunday, February 12: Jacob Genesis 31:1–55 Jacob’s story begins with a word from God that his older brother Esau will serve him. But even from the beginning, it’s difficult to imagine how this might be. Esau is older. He’s stronger. He’s bolder and braver. His father is on his side. He doesn’t look ready to […]
Sunday, February 5: Jacob Genesis 30:25–43 We have been journeying through the life of Jacob for a few weeks now. From his angel-heralded birth, to his deception of Esau and Isaac, to his vision of God, Jacob’s life has been full of drama. Now we’ve know from the beginning that Jacob would inherit the blessing […]
Sunday, January 29: Jacob Genesis 29:1–30:34 As we return to our study in Genesis, Jacob has left home to escape the wrath of his bow hunting brother. Esau would like nothing better than to turn him into a human pin cushion for stealing his blessing. So, out of fear, he walks 50 miles on his […]
Sunday, January 22: Jacob Genesis 28:1–22 There is no event so common place but that God is present within it, always hiddenly, always leaving you room to recognize him or not… because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace. Frederick Buechner “There are two great tragedies in life,” […]
Sunday, January 15: Jacob Genesis 26–27 Have you ever found yourself saying that you have been blessed by God? What does that mean?Is blessing proof that God loves us more than others? Is blessing a sign that we are better or more righteous than most people? What about those who don’t experience blessing? What about […]
Sunday, January 8: Jacob Genesis 25:19–34 Last year we studied the life of Abraham. It was an awesome glimpse of a man of amazing (albeit inconsistent) faith. There were times when Abraham trusted God with the impossible. There were other times when he thought things were too perilous even for God and he decided to […]
The Whisper of Christmas There was a great and powerful wind, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle […]
Sunday, December 18: Christmas Service Ephesians 1:3–10 Christmas is coming! I know it seems like it is still a long ways off, but this Sunday is actually the last Sunday before Christmas. It’s almost here! Leading up to Christmas, we have been studying the Book of Ephesians. This is fitting because the book is all […]
Sunday, December 11: One Ephesians 6:10–24 “Now, I want you to remember that no [one] ever won a war by dying for his country. . . .”“Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity.” “ . . . [T]hey may take our lives, but they will never take OUR FREEDOM!” I considered painting my […]
Sunday, November 20: One Ephesians 5:1–20 Wake up, O sleeper, Rise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you. One of the fun things about my job is watching people fall asleep in church. Folks often put up a valiant effort but then the eyes glaze over. The lids drop to half-mast. The shoulders […]
Sunday, November 20: One Ephesians 4:17–32 Two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to a struggling church in Ephesus—a major city in what is now Turkey. Ephesus had a great history. It was the capital of Asia Minor, both politically and economically. It was the third largest city in the Roman Empire. […]
Ephesians 4:1–16 To dwell above with saints we love, That will be grace and glory. To live below with saints we know, That’s another story. In the first three chapters of Ephesians we’ve been learning about the formation of the church, the body of Christ, made up of all Christians everywhere, no matter how diverse […]
Sunday, November 6: One Ephesians 3:14–21 What do you want to be when you grow up? No, I don’t mean what kind of job you want when you get out of school—I mean what kind of person do you want to be as you grow older? Do you want to be more joyful? More content? […]
Sunday, October 30: One Ephesians 3:1–13 What are you worried about right now?Job? Family? Money? Health? The elec—no, we’re not going there. I bet there’s something on your mind. There’s a lot to stress about in life, and if we lose sight of the big picture, it’s easy to freak out. But it doesn’t have […]
Sunday, October 23: One Ephesians 2:11–22 We are just a couple of weeks away from the Presidential election. Is everybody excited about this? One thing that came up early on in the debates was the idea of building a wall on the border between the U.S and Mexico. It’s an idea that has been both […]
Sunday, October 16: One Ephesians 2:1–10 Ephesians 2:1–10 is one of the most famous passages ever penned by Paul. In it, the apostle succinctly explains God’s work in our lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus. It’s a familiar passage to many of us (and for good reason!).But, like the ideas of many familiar […]
Sunday, October 2: One Ephesians 1:15–23 It’s been said that, “Prayer is the point at which heaven and earth share contiguous borders, where we take counsel with God on matters of eternal importance.”We often forget that, don’t we? Either that, or we don’t believe it. But the Apostle Paul believed it. When it came to […]
Sunday, October 2: One Ephesians 1:1–14 What’s another word for Thesaurus? Why is abbreviation such a long word? If nothing sticks to Teflon, how do they stick Teflon to the pan? Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets? Is it possible to be totally partial? If nothing else, those questions remind us we don’t know everything. […]
Sunday, September 25: Generosity Micah 6:6–8 “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? But to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly before your God.” Micah 6:8 If you have been with us the past few months you know that we did a […]
Sunday, September 18: Generosity Luke 19:1–10 We have an awesome opportunity in Gig Harbor. We live, work, and play among some of the smartest, most talented, and most powerful people in the world. This city has amazing potential and a lot of assets. But Gig Harbor also has a reputation of not having a lot […]
Sunday, August 7: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Haggai “Give careful thought to your ways.” Haggai 1:5 As we have gone through eight of the Minor Prophets so far, there has essentially been a singular theme: “God is back and, boy, is He mad.” To his rebellious kids, God has given way more warnings than they […]
Sunday, July 24: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Zephaniah Have you noticed that all these guys are starting to sound alike? If I read different passages of each prophet to you, I suspect you would be hard pressed to know which one was which. You start to wonder, did they all sit together in class and copy […]
Sunday, July 17: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Nahum What is your favorite story or verse from the O.T. Book of Nahum? If nothing really comes to mind you are in good company. I promise you, the vast majority of Christians, like about 99% of us, come up short. When it comes to the Minor Prophets […]
Sunday, July 10: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Micah People love reality television. There is something about watching other people have problems that make our problems seem a little easier to handle. Or watching people we know as famous do silly things seems to take the tension away from the work deadlines. Think about this: ten years […]
Sunday, July 3: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Obadiah Obadiah is a book that is often overlooked as we read the Old Testament. It is short and its poetic layout lends itself to a quick scan. A fast read points out a judgment against someone called Edom. But as we look deeper inside the text there is […]
Sunday, June 26: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Amos Is there anything in life that is more meaningful than a transcendent encounter with God? Very few things compare to being lost in love and awe for our Creator. Worship is important. This week we are going to continue our sermon series on the Minor Prophets by […]
Sunday, June 19: Baptism & Father’s Day G.K. Chesterton wrote, “Christianity is a sacramental religion, that is, a religion of the flesh.” That’s true! While much of God’s work is done in our hearts, He has left us with signs of His work that remind us that our faith involves our flesh. Baptism is one of […]
Sunday, June 12: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Joel When was the last time you heard a sermon on the wrath of God? It’s not on the list of “felt needs” that you typically hear addressed in church. In fact, I get a little uncomfortable thinking about it. I bet you do, too. Regardless of how […]
Sunday, June 5: Plowshares & Pruning Hooks Hosea Where in the Bible does God give someone an easy job? Have you noticed that God never comes to an Abraham or a Moses or an Esther and says, “I’d like you to do me a favor, but it won’t be real difficult or take much time. […]
Sunday, May 29: Steadfast Nehemiah 13:1–31 Last week we left off with the dedication of the wall around the city that Nehemiah and God’s people had built. It was a marvelous scene of celebration and joy. There were marching bands and bounce houses for the kids. There was laughter and singing within both the perimeters […]
Sunday, May 22: Steadfast Nehemiah 10–12 What’s your problem? Those are the words that opened our Steadfast series. Nehemiah certainly had a problem: the walls of Jerusalem were torn down and the city was a laughing stock to all of its neighbors. His problem was big and it seemed impossible to solve. This week we are going […]
Sunday, May 15: Steadfast Nehemiah 8–9 Time in the Scriptures is one of the most important means of spiritual growth. We all know that, but sometimes we forget. Further, the habit of reading the Bible is hard to establish and it’s easy to lose. But when we take the time to get into the Word, […]
Sunday Check-list: Celebrate Moms – check. Message that Applies to Everyone – check. Cute Babies for Dedication – check. See you on Sunday!
Sunday, May 1: Steadfast Nehemiah 6:1–7:3 Have you ever been in a place where you had to make a choice to either give up, or get up? I’m sure that you have. And those challenges may be big or small. This church is full of normal people who have been through times like that as […]
The name Nehemiah is often synonymous with leadership. He was an organizational wizard, a courageous soldier, and an inspiring communicator. He used his gifts and his influence to solve a problem that had defeated all of his predecessors, and he did all of this under constant threat of attack. But none of those things were […]
There is an old Irish benediction that contains the words, “And may the wind always be at your back.” If you have ever done any sailing that phrase needs no explanation. There’s nothing more exhilarating than to be on the water and have a strong prevailing wind at your back with its full force filling […]
Have you ever had one of those “ah-ha” moments when you finally realized what God was doing in your life? Sometimes, life doesn’t make sense. You look around and you think, “What in the world am I doing with my life? What in the world is God doing in my life? Does God even care […]
What’s your problem? We usually ask that question in a way that sounds sarcastic but it’s actually kind of important. Here’s why: Your life will be defined by your biggest problem. For instance, you can choose, if you want, to devote your life to a problem like, how can I become rich? Or, how can I be […]
Why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?
Jesus has finished his sermon in the Upper Room and is now in the process of closing in prayer. So far he has prayed for himself. He has also prayed for his disciples, whom he will soon be leaving behind. But in John 17:20-26, at the end of his last public prayer before his death, he turns […]
It seems like there are two kinds of churches. First, there are small churches that care a lot about one another, but who are blind to those on the outside. Then, there are growing churches that reach out a lot to the world, but have little support for one another. Both of these kinds of […]
What do you think of when you hear the word “glory”? A high school football state championship? A standing ovation after a speech or a performance? The look of pride in your parents’ eyes after a great accomplishment? We all take glory in different things. What do you think it takes to receive glory from […]
Think about the last time you had to say goodbye to someone you really care about. Maybe it was at an airport with a close friend, or at the end of a family reunion, or perhaps the deathbed of someone you love. Dropping your child off at college for the first time isn’t a cakewalk either. […]
“It is the nature of joy that all questions grow silent, and nothing needs explaining.” Rudolf Bultmann. When you read the gospels do you ever have questions about some of the things Jesus says? Would you occasionally like some clarification on statements he makes?That’s the situation with the disciples in John 16:16-24 as we return […]
It’s election season. Oh boy. We’ve just emerged from the Iowa caucuses and the campaigns are heating up. The contenders are separating themselves from the rest of the pack, and the rhetoric is getting turned up to 11. Promises are being made. Visions are being cast. Mud is being slung. What does Jesus think about […]
Right now, I am writing a preview for this Sunday’s sermon. My email program is open in the background in case my office needs to contact me. I have a Facebook tab open in my browser in case someone messages me. My cell phone is in my shirt pocket so I can be reached by […]
As we come to John 14:15-31 we know something about the emotional state of Jesus’ disciples as they begin to absorb the announcement of his imminent departure. We know they are anxious, or soon will be, because Jesus tells them to “let not your hearts be troubled.” We know they are feeling abandoned and alone […]
By John 14:1-14, Jesus and his disciples have just finished what has come to be called “The Last Supper.” But the disciples didn’t know it was the “last supper” until the Lord dropped a bombshell into the conversation not long after he had washed their feet. Out of the clear blue he tells them that […]
In John 13:31-38, Jesus tells His disciples that He is leaving and that they can’t come with Him. As always, Peter speaks up first and insists that he is ready to die for Jesus. But Jesus won’t hear it. He warns Peter that he isn’t as committed as he thinks he is and that he […]
Imagine that you were one of Jesus’ disciples. You’ve traveled with Jesus for 3 years now and you’ve recently witnessed his most amazing work—raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. But just as Jesus’ ministry was starting to make sense and your excitement for the future was at its height, Jesus drops a bomb on […]
Once a year there is a Sunday where either Matt or I get to teach on whatever we want. The rest of the year is all scheduled out. But on the Sunday after Christmas we get to choose. It’s always hard for me to decide what topic to teach on. I’m not good with unlimited […]
Christmas, of course, is about a lot of nice things. Christmas is about the worship of an invisible God who entered time and space to make himself known. Christmas is about friends and family. Christmas is about giving and caring. It’s about rejoicing because we are part of God’s family forever. It’s about joy and peace. […]
1 John 5:13–21 In families, consistent values are passed down from generation to generation. That’s part of what it means to be a part of a family. However, each generation has to make the family name their own. Sometimes, children are not exactly like their parents (and sometimes grandkids are). In families, there is both […]
When I was seminary, which was about the same time the earth’s crust hardened, like everyone in my particular program I had to take “baby” Greek. After you nail down some of the basics, one of the first books they have you translate is I John. Why is that? Because the Greek in I John […]
As we enter the final chapter of I John it’s quite possible, perhaps even likely, that this is the last apostolic message written to a church. What about 2nd & 3rd John? They were written to individuals. So this week we come to the last chapter of the last letter to a church, from the […]
The world’s thoughts are on God right now. Between the Christmas season, questions surrounding the recent terror attacks, and social media movements like #PrayforParis, the world is searching for God. But how do we know where to find Him? And given the conflicting messages out there about who God is, how do we know what […]
There are times in life when you come to a crossroads. A major decision lies in front of you, and your choice promises to affect your life for years to come. What do we do in those situations? How do we know that we are following God with our choice? This week we are going […]
“Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18 Several years ago a group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8-year-olds: “What does love mean?” Here’s a sample of some of their answers. “When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t […]
Have you ever noticed how fairy tales kind of echo the gospel? Frederick Buechner writes about this. Something inside us believes, or wants to believe, that the world as we know it isn’t the whole story. In fairy tales something usually goes wrong or there’s some injustice or evil introduced. Then there’s a curse and […]
To this point in our Abide series, we have been talking about the importance of believing in Jesus and loving one another. Along with the series, we have been reciting the Nicene Creed every week. It’s been refreshing to me to recite the creed every week—it gives me a sense of solidarity with all of […]
It’s safe to say that actions speak louder than words. We hear these expressions frequently: “Don’t tell me, show me” or “Talk is cheap.” People can say whatever they want, but at the end of the day, how they live their lives speaks volumes more than their words. This Sunday at Believers Fellowship we’ll be […]
Christianity is not rocket science. We believe in the name of Jesus Christ and we love one another. It’s that simple. But sometimes we make it harder than that. We come up with all kinds of rules (written and unwritten) for what it means to know God. Sometimes this can be harmless. But other times, […]
Light: the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible. Dark: the absence of light in a place. The Christian Life: to continue to strive to walk in the light, and to leave darkness behind. This Sunday we talk about walking in the light as we continue our fresh journey through the pages of […]
When you get married and have children, you start making your own traditions and forming your own family identity. Often, this means blending the traditions of your families of origin and creating some things anew. Well, the same is true of our faith—you have to make it your own. God is telling a story in […]