I like what one of my favorite “theologians”, Erma Bombeck, had to say about worry.
“I’ve always worried a lot, and frankly, I’m good at it. I worry about introducing people and going blank when I get to my mother. I worry about a shortage of ball bearings; a snake coming up through the kitchen drain. I worry about the world ending at midnight and getting stuck with three hours on a twenty-four hour cold capsule. I worry about getting into the Guinness World Book of Records under, “Pregnancy: Oldest Recorded Birth.” I worry that one of my children will marry an Eskimo who will set me adrift on an iceberg when I can no longer feed myself. I worry about scientists discovering someday that lettuce has been fattening all along.”
There are a lot of things to worry about in life, aren’t there? Some imagined, some real. Some worries are funny and some are not so funny. Our own worries are rarely something to laugh at. In his message on the mountain, Jesus has something to say to those who worry (that would be all of us).