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Questions of Jesus – Mark 4:35–41

Sunday, August 12: Questions of Jesus

Mark 4:35–41

Do you remember the feeling of being afraid of the dark? As a child, if you heard the tiniest sound you knew for certain a stranger was pushing open a basement window and would be coming up the stairs any minute to kidnap you. Or, you might lie awake in the darkness and imagine a ghost in the closet or maybe a monster under the bed.

I’m pretty sure most of us remember those feelings but if the truth were known we are still afraid. Even as full-grown adults our fears can keep us awake at night.

Monsters hiding under the bed haunt us with scary questions that prey upon our mind. What if I can’t pay the mortgage? What if this little lump under my arm is cancer? What if my spouse doesn’t love me? How can I cope with my failure? What if my kids are in danger?

This summer we are in a study series based on the questions Jesus asked during his days on earth. This week we come to a scene where the Lord is with his disciples in the middle of the night.

They’re not dressed in “drowsy bear” jammies, however, all tucked into bed. They’re actually in a small boat facing the monster of a terrifying storm. Jesus comes to their rescue but then he asks two searching questions about their fear and faith that are as relevant to us as they were to them.

See you on Sunday.