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Psalms – Psalm 72

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Psalm 72

I used to go through the Old Testament with the youth group every few years. The series was essentially an overview of each genre and book. We called the series ‘The Bible Jesus Read.’ It’s so powerful to know what influenced a nation to know and understand how God works in and through His people. When we got to the Psalms…we slowed down. These were the prayers Jesus prayed. These were the songs Jesus worshipped to. Psalms can change our lives…because they can change our habits.

This summer we are putting together a mixtape of the psalms for all of us to ponder and pray through. We get a chance to see what it looks like for humans to cry out to God from their heart. In the Psalms, we see all sorts of emotions being expressed to God. We can’t cover all 150 Psalms in a summer, however, we will do one each week! We will even share the pulpit and hear from elders and other preachers from our congregation! We will go through sad (lament) psalms. We will go through wisdom and praise Psalms. And this week we open with a Messianic/Royal psalm.

Even the worship songs of Israel looked ahead to a perfect King to reign over them. And I believe that we all long for that good King to reign in our hearts as well! But the enemy of submitting to Jesus as our king isn’t who you think it is…the answer may surprise you.

See you this Sunday as we start our new series Psalms!

Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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