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Easter 2018

Sunday, April 1: Easter

Happy Easter!

We have a lot going on this weekend as we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. First, join us on Friday for our Good Friday service when we remember the cross. This year, we will emphasize its liberating effects—Jesus has rescued us from sin and death. It is no coincidence that the original Good Friday was on a Passover, so this year we will remember the cross by talking about its relationship to the Jewish Passover.

Come early (15 minutes should be plenty) or stay late to check out some of our hands-on learning stations. We will have a cross, the Stations of the Cross for prayer and reflection, information on the Jewish Passover and its relation to Christianity, and discussion questions to help you talk to your kids about the event. We will even reenact a Christian adaptation of a Jewish Passover Seder meal.

Then, join us on Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection! This is the biggest day of the year for us as we remember the most important event in history. Because Jesus is alive, everything is different! God is making all the sad things untrue.

Finally, don’t forget that 100% of the Easter offering will go to partner mission organizations. We are digging a well in Africa, helping kids in Bolivia break the cycle of poverty, freeing slaves in southeast Asia, and more.


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