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Ministry Fair

Ministry Fair

Mark your calendars for our Annual Ministry Fair on August 25th after both services out back by Moose Park. You will have a chance to see all that is going on around Believers Fellowship this fall. We will have friendly people available to answer your questions about Women’s and Men’s Ministries, Life Groups, Bible studies, service groups, missions, Children’s Ministry, Creative Arts and much more!

We will have scones, hot dogs, lemonade, snow cones and music for your enjoyment as you peruse many of the ways you can get involved at Believers Fellowship! There will be an opportunity to: sign up for bible studies; volunteer to help in one of many areas; chat with a representative of a ministry to learn more about them; or find a small group to plug into! We can’t wait to serve and grow with you!

It is our hope that as you learn more about your church, you will grow in your relationship with Christ, make deeper connections with fellow believers and find ways to make a difference.

Questions about the Ministry Fair? Contact Emily Roy,


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