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Life Group Sign-Ups

Life Group Sign-Ups

We have a page devoted to Life Groups (formerly called Home Groups). You can find it under the Ministries tab or you can just click on this link. Beginning Sunday, September 10, we will have Life Group Sign-Ups in the foyer. Take a few minutes before or after church this Sunday to find a group that interests you and that fits into your schedule.

Some fill up fast but others have room for lots of people. If you have young children, look for a group that provides childcare. If you’d like to share a meal, look for a group that does dinner or a snack. You can even find groups that cater to a specific age.

Sneak Peak

You can click here to download a list of all available Life Groups.

If you can’t find anything that meets your needs, get a few friends together and start your own group. Gary Albert will be happy to help you get started.


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