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4US Rally Logo Blue

4US – Rally Round 4 Ultrasound

Between now and August 5th, we will be matching funds toward the purchase of a new ultrasound machine for a crisis pregnancy center through 4US. You can donate on Sunday (just write “4US” in the memo line of your check), through our website or app, or through 4US. Believers Fellowship will match every dollar that you donate, and our goal is to raise $15,000 (to be matched to $30,000; the price of one machine).

Ultrasounds have proven to be a valuable tool for crisis pregnancy centers, as 96% of women who see an ultrasound of their baby choose life. However, the machines are very expensive, and only about 25% of centers have one. 4US hopes to remedy that!

In addition to donating, you can join us for the event on August 5th at Fort Steilacoom in Lakewood. You can ride, walk, or run, and there are tons of fun things for families to do. Register for the event here (make sure you join team Believers Fellowship). I am committed to running the half marathon this year, but I’ve done both the 5K and 10K runs in the past and they are great. We usually have a team of bikers, too.

Find out more about 4US at Also, check out the video below for an explanation of why they raise money for ultrasound machines.


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