Find God. Be a Friend. Make a Difference.


Spring Clean-Up

The weather is getting warmer, and it’s time for a spring clean-up! We want the building to look as nice as possible for Easter, and we invite you to join us in this effort! Sign-up to work inside, dusting and cleaning surfaces, or outside, working on landscaping. Kids are welcome, and it’s a great way […]

Good Friday Experience

Good Friday will look a little different at Believers Fellowship this year. We will have an open house experience from 4:00-7:00 p.m. on April 18th. Join us for this family-led, interactive, walk-through exhibit, featuring six stations that cover the elements of what Jesus did, taught, and experienced during the 12 hours leading up to His […]

Easter Services

On Easter Sunday, April 20th, we will have three opportunities to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection together! Our Easter services are at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Children ages 1st grade and older will stay in the service on Easter. As an extra-sweet incentive to get up early, doughnuts will be available for those who attend the […]