Find God. Be a Friend. Make a Difference.
Creative Arts CongregationColossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Psalm 33:3

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.

In worship, we seek to honor God with our whole lives. This applies to how we approach the creative arts. Every aspect of our creativity is aimed to draw hearts and minds to the God of all created things. The songs we write and sing, the instruments we play, the cameras and lights we manage, it all is used for God’s glory.

Serve the Church
Don’t let inexperience hold you back from serving the church. We can train you for:

  • Camera Work
  • Media/Slides
  • Audio
  • Instrumentation
  • Worship Leading

If you have any questions about worship, creative arts, serving on the team or playing in one of our bands email


Available now!

Harbor Hymnal is our very own record label and music collaboration. Writing fresh songs for the church to sing truth together is important to us. You can find all our songs wherever you get your music.




  1. We Act in Fearless Faith – We will set high goals, take bold steps of faith and watch God move. We learn from our mistakes and never settle for less than our best to build up the church.
  2. We Value Honor – We freely give honor to those above us, beside us and under us. Seniority does not denote power, neither does inexperience necessarily mean weakness. We build each other up and learn from each other.
  3. We Are People of Generosity – As the most easily visible worshipers for the church, we will go above and beyond to give sacrificially to the work of God in our church and community.
  4. We Will Be Known for What We Are For – Jesus and the gospel are the foundation for everything that we do. We will embody the person of Jesus in all aspects of our Ministry.