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Welcome to Believers Fellowship Children’s Ministry
We delight in children — their wonder, their energy, and their potential. And just like you, we want them to have a relationship with their Lord, to know God’s Word, to have fellowship with other kids, and opportunities for service.
If you are new and want to save time on your first visit, create a profile for your family in Church Center! Use the following link to enter in all the information about you and your child so that you won’t have to wait in a long line on Sunday morning. Set up a profile using the Church Center app. Or use the web version.
Sunday Morning Nursery
Families are welcome to stay together for worship, but we do have a nursery available at each service for infants & toddlers. Well-trained caregivers, a welcoming environment, books, toys, music, and friendly faces make the nursery safe and nurturing. Children ages 0—18 months are in the Bunny Nursery. 18 months — 2 years old are in the Bear Nursery
What will my child learn on Sunday morning?
- Children age 3 — Kindergarten learn favorite Bible stories that reveal God’s love and care.
- 1st through 4th grade students overview both the Old and New Testaments twice. They see God’s plan in chronological order and learn Bible walk-thru motions.
- 5th Graders study the Gospels & who Jesus is for the entire year ~ searching out the scripture for themselves in order to write their own belief statement.
Who will teach my child ~ how do I know that they will be safe?
We take care to know the character and faith commitment of each of our teachers. We require 6 months of attendance before volunteering & all adults are required to have a national background check. Every volunteer is trained under our BF Children’s Ministry Safety Policies.
Why is 5th grade a special year?
We think that 5th grade is a great chance to build relationships before moving up into youth group. Therefore, we provide a special class environment, well-trained teachers, extra class activities (like the Corn Maze & lunches after Sunday School) AND an end of year retreat. We focus on being for each other and building each other up in the body of Christ before heading to youth group.
What kind of events do you have and can my kids bring friends?
Bringing friends is always encouraged on a Sunday morning, to smaller events like our class parties, or to big events such as:
- Harvest Party in the fall with giant inflatables & game booths with prizes and candy
- Vacation Bible School – held in the summer (every other year)
- Family Valentine’s or Family Christmas Party
- Daddy Daughter Date Night
Where can I find out more information about your events? Check our Church Center page for event registration information.
Who do I talk to for more information about Children’s Ministry?
Heidi Kempston, Children’s Ministry Director
Julia Lucas, Children’s Ministry Staff
Haley Salas, Children’s Ministry Staff