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Life Together: 2nd Timothy

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Life Together, II Timothy

As summer fades in the rear-view mirror and fall emerges on the near horizon, we are on a short break between book studies. A couple of weeks ago we finished our summer study of Psalms and in two weeks we will start our fall study in Philippians. But in between, we are doing a three-week mini-series called Life Together.

Last week Johnny kicked off the series by taking us through the early chapters of Acts to give us a peek at how the first Christians lived out their faith in community – with unity, generosity and compassion as they shared life together. (If you missed the message, go back and watch it. It’s really good!)

This Sunday we will be exploring a particular aspect of Life Together – the benefit of cultivating rich, joy-producing, life-changing, meaningful friendships in the body of Christ.

There are some prime examples of this in Scripture: David and Jonathan, Ruth and Naomi, and certainly Jesus and his disciples. No longer do I call you servants, but friends. Yet another example of a long-term, tear-stained relationship is that of the Apostle Paul and Timothy.

In II Timothy, Paul is evidently convinced he won’t survive his current imprisonment and so with a sense of urgency and purpose, he shot off a final four page note to a young man for whom he had deep affection. As it turns out, what he writes about in the nature of his friendship with Timothy is instructive for us and our life together.

See you on Sunday


Service times are at 9:00 & 11:00. If you can’t make it in person, you can watch live at those times.


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